The King William Investigation
The King William - 14th April 2012

The team were very excited to be asked for the first time, to come and investigate The King William Public House in Bristol.
We had been informed by both staff and other paranormal teams, that previous investigations had resulted in some great EVP’s in the basement/cellar area, and we were told that the middle floor with the pool tables was very active with both visual and audio phenomenon.
The current landlady was to join us on this investigation plus one other guest, bringing the total to six.
Trigger objects were used and placed in what we determined were ‘hot spots’ on the lobby outside the third floor toilets and in the second floor pool room. We also placed motion sensors on the stairway where footsteps have been heard by staff when the pub is closed.
The main bar area itself remained very quiet during the evening, and no activity was reported.
The cellar proved to be very interesting. At one point, a team of three were in the cellar, calling out and asking for a sign. Various lights and tapping noises were heard, one of which was very loud and startled the group. It was only when they got up to investigate the loud bang that they realised it had been the main cellar door going from the bar area that had slammed against itself.
At the time, our other team were up on the third floor area, and all outside doors were closed and locked therefore no drafts or winds could have caused this. Although we have the sound on our voice recorders, we do not have video footage which we are disappointed with, but all the same very excited with this activity.
The Pool Room area had various activity during the night for both teams. One member reported feeling very sick and at one point had to leave the area until he felt well enough to continue. Also in this area another team member reported a very heavy pressing feeling on his chest, once he moved away from the area it seemed to ease off.
Other team members reported tingling feelings felt on their arms and hair. At one point one team member felt like their fingers had been touched or stroked.

We closed the evening by trying a glass divination session. Although this is something new to the group, we are gaining experience and slowly getting results. We do, however, remain sceptical with this method of “contact” as it is very open to external influence.
The glass was felt by some members to be vibrating and moving during this session. It was not a substantial movement but it was certainly felt by the guest investigators taking part. We have definitely logged it though and look forward to trying this technique again some time in the near future.
The results on review of our evidence are interesting as one of our teams were investigating the basement and asking for someone to say their names, it is very faint but there is a definite vocal reply. We have been told of staff members hearing their names being called out after the pub is shut and no one else is around which makes this evp even more interesting. We also caught a photo that has what looks like a person stood in the doorway of the main bar area. We have included this photo along with some from different angles in our investigation gallery.

We would like to give our thanks to all at the ‘King William’ for giving us so much access to this historic hometown pub which is still enjoyed by us and many Bristolian patrons.