Angel Inn Investigation
Angel Inn Investigation - 12th February 2011

The team arrived on site at 21.00 where we met with the landlord and proceeded with a tour of the location. Following this, we set up our equipment and started the vigil at 22.15 in the upstairs function room, allowing time for things to settle down before we began calling out.

Once the calling out commenced, the team medium felt the presence of children around us and it was also felt there seemed to be some spirit hiding within the shadows, refusing to make itself fully known. The ambient temperature of the room was warm, yet several temperature drops were noted and recorded by the equipment with no logical explanation as to the sudden drop. This phenomenon was noted many times throughout the night whilst the radiators were still on and hot.

Unfortunately the rest of the venue was quiet throughout the remainder of the night.

On review of our evidence one good EVP was recorded. When we started to call out a team member asked if anyone wished to contact us it was to use our energies, to which a male voice answered "WHO ARE YOU". A voice not heard by anyone on the night.
We would like to thank the owners of this venue for letting us use their property to undertake this vigil and for letting us return for another vigil there soon.
As always thanks to all of the team.